Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of


On the afternoon of August 13, 2024, Wang Chong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of History, Literature, and Law at Hunan University of Arts and Science, Doctor of Law, and Professor, led a delegation to visit SeaArea for a tour, discussion, and exchange.

Tan Hongxing, Chairman of SeaArea Technology Group and President of the Shenzhen Alumni Association of Hunan University of Arts and Science, along with Liu Lifen, Vice President of SeaArea Technology Group and General Manager of SeaArea Intellectual Property, warmly received the delegation and accompanied them for the exchange.

Firstly, General Manager Liu Lifen led the leaders of the college to visit the SeaArea cultural exhibition area, introducing in detail the development history, business sectors, and scale strength of SeaArea, which was highly recognized by Secretary Wang and his team.

Subsequently, an in-depth discussion and exchange took place. Chairman Tan Hongxing warmly welcomed the school leaders to SeaArea and then focused on introducing how SeaArea has created an integrated online and offline intellectual property service model using digital technology. He highlighted the use of several self-developed intellectual property cloud service systems to provide customers with a digital global intellectual property integration service solution that integrates search analysis, application monitoring, and unified management.

Next, Secretary Wang, as a senior expert in the field of intellectual property rights, shared his understanding of the field, stating that intellectual property rights remain a sunrise industry. He emphasized that higher education should merge with technology, representing a new direction for development. He introduced the research base of the School of History, Literature, and Law at Hunan University of Arts and Science, the International Intellectual Property Forum, and the application for the Master's program in Intellectual Property Rights, and warmly welcomed alumni back to the alma mater for exchange and discussion.

The visit by the School of History, Literature, and Law at Hunan University of Arts and Science has strengthened the connection between SeaArea and the university, injecting new vitality into the development of both sides. We look forward to achieving more fruitful results in future cooperation and jointly writing a new chapter in the training and employment of intellectual property talent.

The guests who also visited include: Long Jing, Director of the Journalism Department of the School of History, Literature, and Law, Xiong Xingbao, President of the Alumni Association of the School of History, Literature, and Law and former Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of Xiangtan City, Shen Lei, Employment Officer of the School of History, Literature, and Law, Zou Yefeng, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Shenzhen Alumni Association of Hunan University of Arts and Science and Director of Shenglong Law Firm, and Zhou Guowen, Honorary President of the Shenzhen Alumni Association of East China University of Technology and General Manager of Shenzhen Baochi Technology Co., Ltd.